I'm Isha Singh
Software Developer
From India
About Me
Developing My Passion

I am in my senior year at NIT Mizoram, where I am pursuing a Bachelor's Program in Computer Science and Engineering. I’ll be graduating in 2023. Currently, I am working on the super exciting idea of Attacks Detection and Network Security, developing secure IoT systems for huge organizations using Machine Learning and backend technology Node.js. My long-term goal is to become a Senior Software engineer with the best knowledge in this field. Internships at several organizations have helped me gain solid ground in developing and working over secure networks. I would love to share my resume with you for any opportunity.

A. Software Developer Intern @ Stige [Aug'21-Oct'21]

During my first internship, I learned to build a landing page, working and responsive websites with attractive UI and worked on full-stack ready-to-sale projects using Node.js technology that also improved the overall convenience for the customers. Also, learned about the responsibilities of a Software Developer and how the agile development process works. Implemented the front-end features and back-end server using MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS (MERN stack).

B. Research Intern @ TU Ilmenau [June'22-Aug'22]

Being a DAAD-WISE Scholar, I was given chance to pursue an internship for 2 months at Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Seitz, Head of Department of the Communication Network Research Group. I was the key participant in the research project focused on the security of Software-Defined Networks against different attacks. We implemented the Intrusion Detection System using ML, proposed by Abdullah Soliman Alshra against detection and mitigation of Man-In-The-Middle attacks in SDN, to prepare a paper for submission into major literary journals.

C. API Developer Intern @ betX [Jan'22-Apr'22]

BetX is a startup company, which was engaged in making a sports prediction platform, worked as a backend Developer in the Technical Team with betX, and came to know a lot about startups and industrial competition. Proficiently tested new software programs and APIs to identify bugs and modify the codes for improving performance Also, worked with the frontend - UI designer team, using Flutter and Android Studio.

My Skills
Skills Reflect Our Knowledge

I believe my following skillset and knowledge will add best to your organization & can bring a change among all. My other skills that will transfer well include: Excellent verbal communication talent; A dedication to team building; and a sense of leadership. I perform well when given a management duty with a team of volunteers. I keep my work up-to-date and stay punctual. I would welcome the chance to provide you with additional information & supplements.

Machine Learning
My Projects
Web Devlopment

Developed an E-commerce website, and created accessible, responsive, and functional user interfaces to allow customers to have a perfect user experience. Not just E-commerce with basic HTML, CSS, and JS, I have also worked on React framework and Node.js to complete my full-stack project undertaking local storage to server-based Databases, aligning my interest towards the MERN stack.

Graphic Design

As an artist, I design creative content for online campaigns, college societies, websites, and even videos. My design layouts and final graphics are visually appealing and on-brand. As my work-samples, I've created some imaginative content that effectively resonates with the audience. CSS for me is just another design tool that I use to continue my creativity.

Python Repo

With extensive work in Python programming language, I made a PDF convertor application using local storage memory in a local device. Used python scripts and libraries to complete. Gained knowledge in Python frameworks related to data such as SciPy, NumPy, and Matplotlib.

Machine Learning

Continuing my phase of learning, I have built projects on Jupyter Notebook. Finished up the 7th-semester small project on Machine Learning, which is Image 'Dominant Color Extraction for Image Segmentation'. The project uses the K-means clustering approach to extract dominant hues from color pictures. The produced output is a graphical depiction of the prevalent color schemes in the image provided as input.

API Developer

Grabbed an internship as an API Developer and was praised by the technical team. I have hands-on experience in web services-RESTful which is reflected in my projects such as Social Media API, Invoice API, Emailing, and authorization for the user.


Worked alongside as a research intern at Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany under the supervision of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Seitz. We worked on Network Security in SDN and Wireless Sensor Networks. Explored common ways of attacker techniques, and proposed the IDS system for IoT Devices.

Position of Responsibility

Event Management Head @CSS[2020-23]

I am working in the Computer Science Society as an Event management Head since 2020. Along with the team of Associates, responsible for running a wide range of events, ensuring the target audience is engaged and the message of the event is marketed properly.. I have supervised many events from start to finish and also negotiated favorable agreements with the Institute authorities for Society Events costs fulfilling budget requirements and smoothly conducting the events.

Event Management

Lead Ignitor @NITMZ D2C Club [2022-23]

As a lead Ignitor of the D2C club in NIT MZ, I am responsible to lead my team, managing and conducting the hackathons and quizzes across the institutes in India & outside. Our motto is to ignite the spirit of competitiveness amongst students and provide a platform for students to showcase their skills and talent across domains at
Inter-collegiate and National Levels.

Lead Ignitor

Cultural Fest Secretary[2022-23]

As a Cultural Fest Secretary in NITMZ, I took the responsibility of conducting
inter-collegiate cultural fests with the help
of other council members. Also coordinates in identifying talented and interested students and ensures participation in cultural fests of other colleges. We also make sure that there are enough avenues for students to have fun and explore their talents thereby leading to an enriching student life experience!


Contact Me
Have Any Project?

If you have a project idea or full-time role, you’d like to discuss, let’s get in touch! I would be happy to answer your questions and set up a meeting with you.